Over the last few months I have been rather confused. I’m probably not the only one who feels like this but recent tweets prove that things may be changing! Remember good old Kitano? The ‘Hotel Manager‘ well what happened to him? Apparently, he’s no longer the Hotel Manager due to the role not even existing anymore! I for one was shocked at this revelation and have always believed Kitano was the Hotel Manager since Puffin, Fozzie, SmoothCriminal (and Neja) were never really called it. Kitano got to know us then vanished out of existence, the only active one I see now is Puffin which was mainly due to the Habbo Council but enough of that.
The Hotel Manager position may return in the future, they (Sulake, namely Paul LaFontaine) are considering the return but the tweet says ‘don’t tell anyone‘ which contradicts the tweets purpose. However, reiterating my point whereby Kitano got to know us for a few weeks then disappeared Paul also said that the new Manager would be available and active in the hotel all the time! Now, I’m no genius but no one can stay on 24 hours a day 5-7 days a week, maybe they would take shifts?
Do you think they really need a Hotel Manager? I personally don’t as I don’t see how it would improve communication when people will just follow them round being major butt kisses but of course that’s my opinion; I’d love to hear all your opinions though, maybe you disagree with me or just want to share your thoughts, whatever you want to say remember to click ‘Read More and Comment.’
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