You must have heard about the drama in Habbo at the moment – it’s being reported on everywhere! What do the Habbos think though?
Ever since Channel 4 first broadcast their news report on the 12th, Habbo users have been flocking to the Welcome Lounge to hold a torchlight vigil. Throughout the night and day, the room is full of Habbos holding a silent protest (not like the mute leaves any other choice), by holding up torches. It’s a good job pixels haven’t been removed yet, or it would look much less impressive! The room is nearly always full (even though the room capacity has been raised to 150 rather than 100), so there is usually a queue of between 20 and 100 Habbos, but due to the mute, many are being auto-kicked so it rarely takes more than 10 minutes to enter the room.
Today (the 14th), Sulake have added a new badge to the Hotel – a simple torch encased in a heart, awarded to all Habbos who enter the Welcome Lounge during the protest. It may not be the most detailed badge in the world, but it’s something to remember difficult times and to add a bit of nostalgia for players to look back on.
If you want to be part of this iconic protest, you can visit the Welcome Lounge here. Don’t forget to bring your torch – let’s join together to support Sulake in disproving Channel 4’s allegations and getting back on track.
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