Have you been around, like, forever?
Or maybe you’re just a newer Habbo who just LOVES all the history.
You could even learn something you didn’t even know!
Test out your Habbo history knowledge with our ultimate quiz of Habbo firsts. Good luck!
The ULTIMATE quiz of Habbo firsts!
Your first kiss. Your first car. Your first day at school. We all remember those! But do you know much about your Habbo firsts? In this quiz, you can test your knowledge of the early days of Habbo and what was released when. Good luck!

8 not bad, got tripped up on the first public room one because it wasn’t where *I* hung out so why would it have existed right
One, two, three, four, hahaha, enough to be self-ashamed — funny how I got those allegedly obscure ones as when it asks you the oldest habbo ever yet believed croc bags were a thing before the meow drums
How can i get on to the game
Smash the orange Mr. “Start Quiz” button
Missed common sense ones. 7/10. Legit didnt know first rare was a Dino Egg.
6/10 like me (if I’m being generous)
2/10 lol