Grant Wood’s American Gothic is the latest famous painting to make it to the UK/US version of Habbo Hotel! The long-awaited, much-loved poster has been seen around for a while now, but up until today wasn’t available on the English speaking hotel. Hit “read more” to err, read more.
The famous painting makes its debut on our hotel as part of a credit + diamond offer, coming along with a bouncer, security camera, security sensor, and a couple of exec carpets. Wow. I guess you could make a tiny art gallery or something… but the main draw is of course the poster – HABBO GOTHIC.
Setting you back 90 creds and 90 diamonds, it ain’t cheap but it doesn’t come at too high a cost either. Time will tell if the price will increase on this exclusive offer furni, but currently it’s sitting at 80c in MP, so unless you’re a badge collector (or really really want a security camera…) you may be better off picking one up from there for now.
As a final point of interest, just 10 days ago – when the diamond posters were updated – Habbo stated via their Twitter that this particular painting was not set to be released. Those scoundrels!
Quick u-turn on that decision! What do we think, guys and gals? Kinda loving it myself.