Chick chick chick chick chickeeeeeeeeeen lay a little egg for me!
Another day, another fairly random bundle of furni on offer. Smash those greasy fingers on the “read more” button to see what it entails *+*+*+
First off it’s worth mentioning that the tagline for this bundle claims that you can raise, feed, or fry the chickens that you buy. Sadly, not one of these things is possible beyond ones imagination. For shame, Habbo!
Praise be to FlyingJesus, this bundle is only 99c as opposed to the slew of 199c offerings we’ve seen recently. That said, the badge is pretty much the same as the other recent bundle badges, and sadly that’s because the “exclusive” furni involved is yet another pack of seeds. Nice enough for the green-fingered among you, but not massively exciting. They seem to be going for 5c on MP (at the time we go to press!), which means after the marketplace tax you could mayyyybe get ~60c for the lot, so those with a bit of patience could potentially get their money back through trading if badge collecting is your thing.
It looks kinda ok all together, but let’s be honest: the real saving grace here is that you do get two lots of BEES, and everyone should have bees.
What do you chaps and chappesses think? Worth a purchase or just another one to skip?

I might just pluck up the courage and purchase this one!