It’s been teased for a while, and we were able to pick up the first pieces of it with a special deal last week, but now the Coral Kingdom furni line has properly been released! Read more to see what’s available *+*+*+
The release has come in two overlapping parts – the main bulk of the furni in its own section of the catalogue, and a new bundle that showcases some of it along with a few pieces of older furni. The range as a whole looks something like this in your catalogue:
A lot of accessory pieces, but also some really fab stuff for main room building! The walls are gorgeous, and the blue sparkly sand is absolute peak mermaid. I can’t get too excited about the various bits of coral and anemones, but there are some lovely new possibilities with this stuff and (rather importantly) it all goes well together. Want proof? Check out the bundle below:
It will, however, set you back 199 of your lovely credits. Taking that into account along with the fact that there are no “exclusives”, I can’t call it great value for money. Still, if you like badges then feel free!
Speaking of badges, check out the excellent room Megaalakazam made (it’s on public rooms next to the bundle room) and trawl around a load… if you’re really on board, you’ll get yourself a cheeky badge for your troubles