As you’ve likely seen, the newest crackable furni has been released onto the hotel in the shape of GOLDEN EGGS.
Whack that “read more” button to see all the deets!
The goose that laid the golden egg has visited Habbo this Christmas, and by hitting up the “Golden Eggs” category of the catalogue (underneath Limited Rares, where Benji the Bear taunts us with his SOLD OUT image, boooooo) you can grab yourself one or two or however many of these gorgeous little nuggets as you can afford.
They’ll set you back 50 credits and 15 diamonds apiece, making them more costly than the normal rares tend to be but not as outrageously overpriced as many expected them to be. I personally quite like them as a piece of furni on their own, but these eggs have an added feature!
If you nab yourself a Magic Wand Effect (modelled by my beautiful self above) for 150 duckets, you not only get a nice shiny star wand that is permanently yours as an accessory, but will also be able to hatch these eggs! They take twelve hits and go through a couple of partially-cracked stages as you go, and then on the twelfth they EXPLODE and leave you with one of three baby animals – the Fluff Ball, the Mini, and the Smokey Chicken. Each of these can then be “evolved” with the magic wand in the same way you cracked the eggs, and each baby form can become one of two adult monsters!
The cute little Fluff Ball (which I rather love as it is) can become either the Grouch Fairy, resembling a fluffy Persian cat with wings, or a Bigfoot, which is reminiscent of the classic Yeti monster of the Himalayas. None of these are particularly valuable it seems, but in my view they’re very nicely made furni, especially the baby version WHICH BOUNCES ON THE SPOT. AHHHHHH. Too cute.
The little purple Mini starts with one little stump of a horn and can either split this in two to become the fierce and fabulous Voltaic Deer, or keep it singular and become a legendary Hoonicorn. Despite the description claiming that it’s rarer than your average unicorn, the latter of these is actually worth less than the Magical Candy Unicorn furni already! Again, none of these are big earners, but very well designed nonetheless.
If you’re hoping to make a few coinzzzz on these new creatures, you’ll be hoping to hatch a Smokey Chicken. While being worth a good amount themselves, these little fellas can become the most valuable of all 9 monsters: the hot-tempered Scorching Dragon! While less valuable, the Grand Phoenix which the chick can also turn into is the definition of mythical grandeur. Look at that plumage!
Have you bought any eggs? Are you hatching them or keeping them shut? And which of these monsters do you like best/least?
Let us know in the comments section!

Opened 1 up and got scorching dragon
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