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Double Credits Deals – Get ‘Em While They’re Hot!0
By - Posted 26th March, 2019 at 3:29 pm HabboHabbo Updates


$$  Dolla dolla bill y’all  $$

Awwww yiss, Easter furni coming out soon with a whole host of new rares so DOUBLE CREDITS is exactly what we need. Hit “read more” to see a breakdown of the offer and the prices – you may be able to save a few pennies!



BOOM! It’s time for double credits. Stock up on those tasty diamonds too, as those ALSO get doubled in the offer!


Historically we’ve seen that buying them for the UK price costs rather more than anywhere else for some reason, and Canada usually has the cheapest option by a few pence here and there. Changing your payment option is easy, just check the drop-down menu up on the top right of the credits page:



Sadly this will not magically transport you all over the world, but it will open up a range of payment options and for some reason you can choose whatever country you want as your base for purchase.


The UK price is set at £10.98 – for 220c+d that isn’t bad to be fair, but we can do better!


For seemingly no reason at all the options for Brazil, Indonesia, and The Philippines don’t have a button for double credits, so we can’t use them. Also 6 of the options use USD which is rather odd, especially since 1 is “global” and 4 of the countries (Malaysia/New Zealand/India/Hong Kong) don’t use USD at all. Never mind.


Anywayyyyyyyyy here’s the breakdown of conversion rates using aaaand a note on what rate PayPal will give you, which is not quite as good but that’s what you’ll actually pay! So here we go, let’s see if I can make a table work:


Toot toot I am a blank cell XE conversion PayPal end cost
Australian Dollar – $17.00 £9.17 £9.58
Ireland (Euro) – €10.45 £8.92 No PP option! Odd…
Singapore Dollar – $16.05 £8.98 £9.42
Global/US Dollar – £10.99 £8.30 £8.65
Canadian Dollar – $14.99 £8.46 £8.81

Huzzah I am a genius. Ok sooooo looks like for once Canada has been beaten to the top deal spot, by an ENORMOUS 16 pence. Just think what you could get with that!

It is worth noting of course that this brings the price per deal down by £2.33 if you were originally buying from the UK, or £6.99 total if you buy the maximum of three. Not life changing savings, but worth a couple of clicks.


Happy spending!

*prices correct at time of posting, obv could change a bit

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