As we bring May to a close, the release of the highly anticipated Coral Kingdom furni looms. As a tasty teaser, brand new teleporters are available through one of Habbo’s credit+diamond offers! Hit “read more” to see the details, and a breakdown of the costs vs rewards…
As has happened previously, there are two similar but separate deals – of which only one will be made available to each Habbo. Presumably it’s based on your spending habits but could be entirely random – anyhoooooo you’ll be shown one of these:
Realistically, we can ignore most of the included items. They’re not expensive in MP, and going around credit shops you can likely pick up any of them for 1-2c. Lets say 5c off each cost for those just as a rough figure. What’s always good with these deals however is a few bronzes, useful for events and trading. To buy 70 or 80 from the shop would cost you 72 or 83 credits respectively at the least, which then leaves us with:
92c + 180d for 2 sets of teles and 3 months of HC
28c + 105d for 1 set of teles and 1 month of HC
Considering the cost of HC at 50/50 or 120/120 for 1 or 3 months you’re pretty much getting either 22c and a tele set for 55d (noice!) or 28c and 2 tele sets for 60d (DOUBLE NOICE!) – that is, assuming you actually need the HC. If you’ve already got years to go it really comes down to how much you like the teles and the badge. Keep in mind, this offer is only up for 3 days and there’s an entiiiiiiiiire range of furni to come out that’ll match with these teles!
Do you love it? Hate it? Care very little either way? Whatever you think, let us know *+*+*+

Bought it twice ? coins will come in handy for events and HC is cheaper this way..