So as I reported as coming up the other day, the Habbo18 throne has now been released into the catalogue!
Seemingly it won’t be around for long, so if you’re into it, get one quick!
Unfortunately I was wrong on one point in my previous article – this rare isn’t 25c+d, it’s a whopping 75 of each. That’s the sort of price put on items like the Cursed Flame Knight and Golden Eggs, but this is no crackable. The price will be whatever it will be, no chances of getting something major from it. STILL, it is rather nice:
There’s a badge as per usual, and if you’re bothered by the XVIII embroidery you can change the state to make it bugger off – the rest of the chair will remain the same. I bought one because I’m an idiot who’s impressed by shiny things, but I can see this one realllllllly dividing opinions. Could be a moneymaker… or could be 15c by the end of the week.
What do you think, boys and/or girls?

I’m not to sure what to think of this new one, I think it was the best one of the three to choose from but at that price, and that availability it should have been at ltd maybe. although I think the price of the original throne will sky rocket… or hope it does
I kind of like it, but… I kind of hate it at the same time :/ plus the badge is awful.
Very basic-fashioned compared to the first throne and 86% of the whole hotel is smashing their heads trying to figure out what on Earth the strange anagram “XVIII” does mean! lol