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Habbo’s “Great Farm Bake” Begins!1
By - Posted 3rd April, 2017 at 5:23 pm HabboHabbo Updates

Get your wellies on! This Easter, Habbo have outdone themselves by not only re-releasing a bunch of old favourites, but also (as of today) begun a whole new campaign with loads of brand new furni, as well as a new way to craft, new rares, new clothes, new bundles, and new pets! Hit that Read More button to see more about the shiny stuff coming our way!

The latest category in the catalogue, “Farm“, includes a fab selection of quaint out-of-the-city pieces looking cute and clean but also wonderfully rustic and humble, in my mind infinitely more useful than the current Country selection, especially since there are BEE HIVES (aww yiss) and the new fencing actually has a corner piece! No more ugly gaps or weird overstacking, woop woop. There’s also a recolourable chicken which is just hilarious, as well as chicken coop with similarly recolourable hens roosting on it. Cluck cluck, little Habbos.

On top of all this there are 3 new little bits to dress your Habbo up in – two hairstyles, and a cook’s apron. Both of these are permanent additions to the catalogue, so don’t worry about rushing to stock up as though they were rares! Rares will be coming soon though, as well as a new LTD near the end of the month! The release dates for these are:

Farmer Photo Stand
: between April 7 and April 10.
Hen Hat: between April 14 and April 17.
Cow Beanie: between April 21 and April 24.
Goddess of Harvest LTD: April 27 until April 30.
Crazy Mare Face: between April 28 and May 1.

And it doesn’t end there! We also have releases and re-releases of some fabulous pets coming our way, as follows:

Bunny Pets: between April 5 and April 11.
Normal Cow Pet: between April 12 and April 30.
Leprechaun Pet: between April 12 and April 18.
Chicken and Pigeon Pets: between April 19 and April 25.
Gold Cows: between April 26 and April 30.
Obbah Wobbah Pets: between April 26 and April 30.


Phew! This is one biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig update.


 Bundles are always a bit hit-and-miss, and there are four to look forward to (or not?) this month:

Great Farm Bake Bundle (EXTRA SIZED!)
: between April 3 and April 9.
Farmer’s Kitchen Bundle: between April 10 and April 16.
Chicken Coop Bundle: between April 17 and April 23.
Floral Farm Bundle: between April 24 and April 30.

The first of these, out now, is one of those “mega” bundles costing 199c instead of the usual 99c, but other than the badge for collectors there’s nothing exclusive about it, and it doesn’t actually seem to contain that much.

Buy it if you like it of course, but this one’s not for me personally.

The final addition (for now!) is the new crafting-style furni, which requires the use of a Combi Stove and various ingredients you can collect and buy… but that’s a topic for another article I think! Wouldn’t want to overload your little Habbo brains by putting the details of absolutely everything in one place, but keep your eyes peeled for a tutorial on how all of that works.

Until next time my loves, keep on Habbin’ xoxoxo

Like! 6
    madison0442 commented on 3rd April, 2017

    Ooooh awesome article! I like the pics! 😀

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