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Talk About The New Rare… And Get Banned?2
By - Posted 12th October, 2018 at 7:53 pm HabboHabbo Updates

It’s time for another “rare” release, and to go with the laboratory furni we’ve been given recently it’s a ROBOT DOG! But it might cause a stir for the wrong reasons…

Can you spot the issue with our sci-fi Scooby?

It may not work out the same way, but a similar example is in how I not so long ago received a day-long ban for attempting to train my Habbo’s cat. My cat is cute, my cat is old, and (most importantly to this story) my cat is called Dicks. As you might imagine, the automod system did not approve of my spamming out “DICKS EAT DICKS SLEEP DICKS PLAY DEAD” etc., resulting in my sanction.

Anyhoooooo, unless things have been relaxed a bit in the way moderation picks up on certain words and phrases, it’s not a huge stretch to see how a dog called Cyber could potentially get people into the same hot water. Phrases such as:
– I love Cyber! –
– I want Cyber sooooo bad! –
– Selling Cyber 25c –
– Can someone give me Cyber? –

Could be worth avoiding for the moment… at least until you’ve made someone you don’t care about test it out.

The furni itself is kinda ok. I’m not a dog lover and I like things that can be used in rooms properly so this is definitely not one for me. If you’re into that sort of thing though, go ahead and grab one – it’s 25c+d as usual for rares, and you do get a badge with it.

I guess there’s probably SOMEONE out there who thinks displaying that picture on their Habbo is a good thing. It takes all kinds.

Like! 4
    TinyFroggy commented on 13th October, 2018

    lmao. i bought one off mp. it looks cool.

    lawrawrrr commented on 14th October, 2018

    maybe they’ll take a sensible look at the filter now/???????? hahahahhahaha

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