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Mega Credit Deal! (pssst… and how to get it cheapest)0
By - Posted 27th March, 2018 at 10:38 pm HabboHabbo Updates

It’s that time of year we all love. The blossoms are forming, buds are breaking, the daylight lasts longer, and most importantly Habbo have a credit deal on!

Hit “read more” to see the details, as well as my notes on the cost – and how to reduce it.

Today when you log in, you may find yourself faced with this little beauty:

Mmmmm shiny coins. It’s pretty appealing, especially with so many “rare” items coming out that cost diamonds. Clicking through, you’ll see something along these lines:

Not a bad deal at all! However…
*+**+**+**+* If you’re in certain countries, you may not be seeing the best possible deal. *+**+**+**+*
Sneaky, right?

The UK version will show £10.98 as the cost for this deal, which is actually the highest across the board. Checking the other options, we see that some don’t show this offer at all for whatever reason, but those that do come out at the following prices and approximate conversions:

Australia 17AUD – £9.22
Ireland/Europe 9.99 – £8.75
Singapore S$16.05 – £8.65
US/global $10.99 – £7.76
Canada 13CAD – £7.12

Now different apps and exchanges will give you slightly different prices, but the Canadian version on the drop-down is by far the best value for money. On PayPal at time of press it costs £7.44 to go through – a saving of £3.54! That’s nearly 1/3 off what I would have been paying had I not thought to check.

So little Habbos, go forth and spend! Just… don’t spend more than you absolutely must.

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