Howdy, Habbos! If you’re not aware, our annual Habboxween event has now officially begun! There are plenty of treats on offer and very little chance of me turning tricks so it’s well worth getting stuck in.
To begin, make sure you’ve read this thread with the basic info on what’s about to be happening at Habbox this week. The very first part of your quest takes place right here in this article, wooOOOOoOoOoo very spooky yes.
So let’s picture the scene… you’ve arrived at HMP Mammoth and gone straight to what you hope to be a source of some inspiration – Frank’s prison locker.
Dust… dust… dead rat… dust… a crumpled tissue, eww.
Wait. No, this isn’t a tissue!
It’s been 98 years, but somehow in this old locker of Frank’s you’ve found a letter, still legible despite a few stains.
Let’s take a look:
Wow! Frank had one of those weird serial-killer-loving penpal girlfriends! You old dog, Frank. Looks like this might have been where he got the idea of becoming a ghost in the first place. This “Francine” must be long dead by now. Such a shame that the anger of Frank’s ghost is keeping them apart in the next life – we absolutely must send him on his way!
As luck would have it, I know exactly how to kick off the next step. Handy, eh?
What you need to do, little Habbo investigators, is get into the mindset of Francine so that you can begin to understand the love that she had for Frank. There’s only one way to do this properly of course: COZZIE CHANGE.
That’s right, I want you to dress in your fabbiest fanciest Francine-iest outfit on Habbo and post a screenshot as a comment on this article. 2 randomised entrants will nab themselves 50 points apiece for this task, and my personal favourite outfit of the bunch will have a sack of coins coming their way!
Good luck Habbos, and remember: this is the 1920s!
No I wasn’t alive then, don’t be cheeky.

Here is my entry: