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GUIDE: Habbox 15th Birthday Event!13
By - Posted 3rd July, 2018 at 12:35 pm Habbo GuidesHabbox

Kick off our birthday celebrations by challenging yourself to our official Fansite event! We asked you guys for your favourite memories of Habbox over the years… and recreated them in a special one-off event celebrating the last 15 years of Habbox’s life! We’ve got party rooms, we’ve got the Olympics and the Great Mute, we’ve got trade rooms… it’s such a throwback!

We also have over 200c and a rare maroon 15 balloon up for grabs in our various birthday events! Get on over to to find out more and to get involved.

Now, on with the guide…


Open the navigator and enter the room: [HxHD] Habbox Helpdesk (owned by despect)
Find and step on the random banzai teleporter and enter the pirate teleport

Walk to the door

Flick the 3 hidden switches to turn all the lights green

***Beware! The bots will give you tea as a hand item, be sure to drop it after each step or you will be teleported back to the start***

Once completed say done and enter the teleport

Step on one of the moving carriages to teleport without stepping on the road

Step on the red arrow… But only walk when the inspector is facing this way!

Enter the teleport

Make your way to the top of the club sofa pyramid

 TIP: Click in between the dots to move

The answers to the questions are:
Straypixels winner x10

Enter the teleport

Wait patiently in the line for your turn.

Step 1: stand in front of the hand water pump & say *water*

Step 2: stand in front of the flame trap & say *throw*

Step 3: repeat step 1 & 2 to clear the next part of the path

Step 4: get the water from the pump again, then stand in front of the treasure & say *grab*

Step 5: stand in front of the last flame trap & say *throw*

Step 6: stand in front of the divers helmet & say *grab*

Step 7: say done and enter the teleport

Find the correct path to reach the teleporter. The ducks on this image indicate the correct path!

Enter the teleport

Wait patiently in the line for your turn

Flick all of the switches to turn each tile green, and once done step on a ringplate – all before the camera finishes filming!

Enter the teleport

Walk to the random banzai teleporters & step onto one

Make your way through the roller maze… Only walking on the rollers. It will make no difference which side you complete

Walk off the “tile with a halo” at the end, and enter the teleport

Wait for the rope dividers to open

Get to any of the marble tiles to teleport

***Beware of the bouncers! If they catch you then you will be teleported back to the seating area***

Enter the teleport

Find the correct furni to sit on to trigger the teleport wired. It is always changing! Here are a few possiblities…

Enter the teleport

Say Happy 15th Birthday Habbox to receive the badge!

Like! 8
    Extensify commented on 3rd July, 2018

    got it thanks

    Lill-MeeDK commented on 3rd July, 2018

    Yesss, thank you!

    _spirit commented on 3rd July, 2018

    Got the badge <3

    Ozad commented on 3rd July, 2018

    Thank you David!!

    BTRGURL commented on 3rd July, 2018

    Very helpful! Thankyouuuu!

    cocomocachino commented on 4th July, 2018

    got the badge!

    TinyFroggy commented on 4th July, 2018

    Got the badge, at last T.T

    FlyingJesus commented on 4th July, 2018

    I made 2 of the rooms and edited the guide, and it still took me a while to get the badge. Such a noob 😛 great stuff though, thoroughly enjoyable!

    Ekelektra commented on 5th July, 2018

    Got it 😛

    veb4412 commented on 5th July, 2018

    I got it 🙂

    ShaShaBabeeh commented on 5th July, 2018

    i got it, thanks 🙂

    denise commented on 6th July, 2018

    thanks for the guide!!

    lawrawrrr commented on 6th July, 2018


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