I like a drink. Sometimes I like more than one. Oh yes, staying hydrated is very important.
Read on to see how we’re making sure our fluid levels don’t drop too much over Christmas – and to win yourself some Habboxmas treats!
It’s impossible for me to see who’s reading this right now, so I have no idea whatsoever if you’re over the legal drinking age in your country, or whether you even like to imbibe at all. If the answer to either of those things is “no” then that’s fine, you’re still allowed to play.
Play what?
Oh, a little game that we call…
Never Have I Ever.
The premise is simple; if one of the following is something you have done, you drink. Or score a point. Or do whatever you like really, it’s your life… but points sounds good.
Most of the time the aim of this game is to get drunk, but we are totally responsible here at Habbox and so it’s the points that we’re going for with this round. Keep track of your score! Here goes –
Don’t be ashamed, we’re all friends here…
As it’s HABBOXMAS, you can in fact grab yourself a cheeky raffle ticket by commenting your score out of 9 on this article, and then informing us in your check list!
Big ol’ prizes to be won! Oh, and one random entrant will also get 20c direct from me – ’tis the season, after all.
Habbox would like to state that we strongly support drinking RESPONSIBLY over the Christmas season, lest you end up like our disgraceful General Managers

6 out of 9
4 out of 9
8 out of 9 opps.
For the record, I’ve never not washed for a week! Animals!
7 I think!!! Don’t remember clapping in a cinema or not washing for a whole WEEK…
9 out of 9…….. all of the above……. leave me alone 🙁 LOL!
4/9 😀
5/9 lol
5/9 Wow I did set a smoke alarm of once!
4/9 :O
2/9 how boring.
8 out of 9 lol i never clapped in a cinema.
6 out of 9
Competition now closed! Feel free to still post your results if you come across this of course, but no more 20c available 😛
Winner wasssssss post number 3, YellowBelli!