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[HxEE] Good-bye to All That Egginess8
By - Posted 16th April, 2020 at 8:41 pm Habbox

Merry Christmas, war is over!

Wait no wrong season, but the war is over at long long last.

The two teams have spent the last week battling it out for supremacy… and a massive amount of eggs.

Now it’s time to end this little story, and find out the shocking truth about Eastar!

Good-bye to All That Egginess


It had only been a few days, but the combined Eastarian and Habboxian forces on either side had been worn down immeasurably by the conflict. ,Jamiexo was so thirsty she was licking a puddle. RichBoiSam was slowly spinning on the spot, making cooing noises. FlyingJesus hadn’t slept in so long that he finally looked his real age. Yikes.

Alright, that’s enough!” yelled Ozad, picking green fluff out of his ear. “We are done here, it’s time to wrap up the conflict and get back to Habbo“.

All across the bunnyfield, things came to a stop. Lady Marshmallow’s army had the clear upper hand, with egg stocks overflowing their picnic hampers and Thumper himself was green with envy. More green than usual, that is.

Just then, the sound of a kazoo came from over a nearby hill. It wasn’t being played very well. Everyone turned to face the tuneless newcomer as he crested the peak – it was RazzleMyDazzlee, one of Thumper’s troops, and he was dragging a huge wagon of egg boxes marked ‘DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES‘. Lady Marshmallow’s face ran from shock to fear and finally to outrage.

No, no NO!” she yelled, stamping her padded footpaw and stubbing a toe on a rocky outcrop. She turned, sat down and on the rock and let a single tear roll down her fluffy face. “It’s just not fair…

As she dabbed at her eyes, Lord Thumper approached her back, his satin cape gleaming with spilled egg yolk and a look of weary triumph on his face. He reached out a paw, and put it around Lady Marshmallow’s shoulders. On one stubby gloved finger was a previously unseen ring – a ring that matched Lady Marshmallow’s own.

Come along darling, it’s over,” he said softly. “Why don’t we just go home?

Rabbits and Habbos alike stared at their leaders.

Umm,” said lawrawrrr, and that was all there was to say on the matter. Awkward.




Everyone filtered in to the grand Eastar citadel that had been at the centre of the conflict, following the rather subdued and sheepish couple. Inside, all was explained.

Yes alright, we’re married. We are Lord and Lady after all!” Marshmallow told the congregation. “We used to govern Eastar together, and everything was perfect. The planet was bountiful, the moons were pretty, and everyone had all the eggs they could ever want. Then-

THEN SHE THREW AWAY MY FAVOURITE SHIRT!” thundered Thumper. “It… it had pictures of cabbages on it. It was my favourite. I…” he stumbled over his words, as if for the first time realising that he may have slightly overreacted by starting a war against his wife. “But I did win, right?

It was clear from the expressions of everyone in the citadel that although his side had technically been victorious, he personally had not won a thing. The true victors were the Eastar populace who could now go about their lives together – and most importantly of course, the returning champions of Habbox!





We hope you enjoyed this year’s Easter Eggstravaganza (our first in space, I think!), congrats to everyone who took part especially THE TOP WINNERS and of course a huge thank-you to Ozad for organising it!

Like! 5
    Triz commented on 16th April, 2020


    Jarkie commented on 16th April, 2020

    Loved this! – Another fantastic event from Habbox

    lawrawrrr commented on 16th April, 2020


    __tbl commented on 16th April, 2020


    YellowBelli commented on 16th April, 2020

    What a fantastic story! Ozad needs to clean his ears though..

    iamdanny commented on 17th April, 2020

    thank you OZAD

    Ekelektra commented on 17th April, 2020

    Love it

    RazzleMyDazzlee commented on 18th April, 2020

    I enjoyed HxEE so much 😀 Loved it!

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