Are you preparing for battle? HxSS is just days away at time of posting, and plenty of folks around Habbox are sharpening their swords and strapping up their shields!
Pirates, vikings, Greeks, and cowboys are the teams, and we’re going to get to know the warlords in charge of them!
Team: Greeks (green)
Spirit animal: MOOSEs meeses moose
Your go-to HxSS snack: KFC plzzzz
Favourite event: Pod racing
Favourite furni: Throne
Top summer tune: Calvin Harris – Summer
Why people should join your team: Because everybody should be KEEN to join team GREEN
Team: Pirates (black)
Spirit animal: I feel like I should say parrot (go pirates) but imma go for an Owl. Fairly solitary, plans out things a lot and wiiiise.
Your go-to HxSS snack: Does gin count? If not… nachos with cheese. In the microwave. Mmm.
Favourite event: Dumpster diving!
Favourite furni: Pink dragon
Top summer tune: I’m really feeling All of my Love for this year’s summer anthem. Or something by Galliance Galantis
Why people should join your team: Cos we’re the BEST? Girl power leaders plus pirates are COOL. Also, bribery maybe?
Team: Vikings (blue)
Spirit animal: A cougarrrrrrr 😉
Your go-to HxSS snack: All of the coffee!
Favourite event: Isolation
Favourite furni: Ted
Top summer tune: Grayscale – Baby Blue
Why people should join your team: We’re amazing and why the heck not!
Team: Cowboys (red)
Spirit animal: A beeeee
Your go-to HxSS snack: Pork scratchings mmmmmm
Favourite event: Bank game
Favourite furni: Portabandeira of course
Top summer tune: JA JA DING DONG
Why people should join your team: I’m really cool I promise also we will have plenty of yeehawin’ good times with nice HATS
You’ve probably not learned anything useful about any of us, but hopefully there is SOME insight into who we are!
If you’re still stuck for which team to join, there’s a handy little mini-quiz on our team application page, so check it outtttttt and let us know in the comments below who you’re hoping to join for a chance to win 10c!

BLUE TEAM!!!! <3
i hope i join black team <3 <3 <3 :))))
Neighhhhh!!! (Horse speak for join Red).
What’s this I read about having a Brazilian carnivalesque Porta-Bandeira wonder as favorite furni?, but anyways: be blue or lose
Keen to be Greeeeeennn
Red Team *gets the cowboy boots fitted*
Black Pirates ARRRRRGH