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Monthly Horoscope: May 2016 [Pt. 2]0
By - Posted 15th May, 2016 at 5:00 pm

Horoscopes are among those little details of life that not many people really wish to read up about. It could be for a variety of reasons including belief or even if you are purely scared about what is to come! Well, here I am with a new series – Monthly Horoscopes!

Now, this is not just any normal horoscope, they are horoscopes for your Habbos! Using data coming from reliable sources, I will be giving you monthly updates about what to expect from your time on the hotel. Whether these come true or not, it will all be based off of your real life star sign horoscope! Each month I will release 3 parts. Part one will include Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, part two will include Leo, Libra, Virgo and Scorpio and part 3 will include Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. 

Read more to find out!

Part Two: May

You may be wondering what a horoscope is. According to the dictionary, a horoscope is..

A forecast of a person’s future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person’s birth.

Make sense? No? Well in basic terms, I will begin to predict your future every month based on when you were born! No worries, none of this is specifically made up, it is all based off of real life data! Now, lets kick this bad boy off!

July 23rd – August 22nd

Your Element: Fire
Your stone: Peridot
Leo’s Secret Desire: To be a star

Leo, the major head liners of this month are your career and your ambitions! May is a time for you to collect, gather and focus. It’s the month of improvement. You should go back and redo or complete any tasks you rushed through earlier in the year. The 10th and 11th bring special success and advancement for you, lions! You should be ready as things swiftly move forward on direct 21st. Are you prepared for such a change?
Your health and well-being will drop throughout 20th April, straight through to the 20th May. Nothing major, just a hiccup in the life long road of cosmic health. Should you begin to fatigue and tire out, take a breath and stop. Realise you are only one. You cannot be a social butterfly whilst being a workaholic!

August 23rd – September 22nd

Your Element: Earth
Your stone: Sapphire
Virgo’s Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

Virgo! May is your way forward. Despite the fact that your ruler, Mercury, has been out of phase majority of January through April, May is a good month for you! Ensure you stay within boundaries and don’t start anything new! Jupiter, the traveler, is moving directly towards you this month. For many of you Virgos, May will be a month of adventure, travel and exploration. Especially foreign travel!
If you play your cosmic cards right, on may 29th, Venus the Financial Planet, joins your phase. This month may prove quite lucky for you indeed. Are you ready for such a peak in, not only your personal life, but financial and career also?

September 23rd – October 22nd

Your Element: Air
Your stone: Opal
Libra’s Secret Desire: To live an easy and uncomplicated life

This month, both career and personal matters will go, nonetheless smoothly. Bargains, deals or loans will go well for you around May 19th. Your financial future is looking dim, however this month may be a time for improvement. If you are planning anything, feel free to lay down the groundwork but do not make any final decisions until the later end of May. Self-Renewal will be an especially big thing for you this month, especially with Saturn, the planet of focus and discipline, holding your hand and guiding you along the way!
This month is your month. Do not let anybody interfere, intimidate or rush you, Libras!

October 23rd – November 21st

Your Element: Water
Your stone: Topaz
Leo’s Secret Desire: To triumph

Scorpions beware. This month, the Jupiter-Saturn square is the main event. This could be troublesome for your financial status, in return affecting your personal life! Scorpions, if you have not yet put yourself on a budget, it is time to do so! Look at it as saving for that proverbial rainy day! Mars, the planet of Passion and your co-rules will turn away direct 29th may as it becomes retrograde. Mars is your energy pack, scorpions. So don’t be too surprised if you tire out quickly!
Try not to plan anything major until the end of may, otherwise things may prove disastrous!
Take care, Scorpions.

Thanks for reading! Note that starting with June’s horoscopes, the timetable for the 3 parts of the article will be:
Part 1: Between the 1st – 5th days of the Month
Part 2: Between the 5th – 10th days of the Month
Part 3: Between the 10th – 15th days of the Month

Click here to view Part One and look out for Part 3 coming soon!

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