I am old. Not quite a pensioner yet, but in terms of the Habbo population I might as well be put in a home. Fortunately, plenty of other Habz veterans are getting past the point where they too are considered old. Do you fit the bill? Are you beyond your sell-by date? Give that Read More button a click to see some indicators that you might be entering your Golden Years!
* You have to push to wee.
* You use the phrase “kids these days” unironically.
* Bands you used to listen to are having 10 year+ reunion tours.
* You host a party and the neighbours don’t even notice let alone complain.
* You know how to drink in moderation.
* Having a hangover actually stops you from doing things.
* You miss composing monophonic ringtones on your Nokia.
* Your friends have kids and mortgages.
* You stay over at a friend’s house after a night out and they actually make a bed for you instead of just throwing sofa cushions and a towel at your passed out body in the kitchen.
* People who weren’t even born in the same decade as you can drive.
* You’re more excited about bread than sweets.
* Your choice of footwear is based on comfort.
* You decide to leave a bar/restaurant and try somewhere else because it’s too loud.
* You use sunscreen without being reminded to.
* You weigh up pros and cons between going out with friends and just having an early night… at the weekend.
* You begin to notice just how many millionaires and superstars are younger than you.
* Songs that were hits when you started clubbing are now on “vintage” music channels.
* You start believing that socks with sandals might not be all that bad.
* You try telling younger people how they’ll feel about things when they’re older, knowing full well that it’ll make no difference to what they’re going to do.
* You make an audible “oouuuugghh” sound when you stand up after sitting for a while.
* Um Bongo is too sweet for you.
* You actually remember Um Bongo.
* Your peers compliment you on your cardigan.
* You’ve made a new email address for professional purposes that is actually your name.
* Your expenses include making sure your stocks of Gaviscon and Rennies are kept topped up.
And of course…
- You write lists.

Don’t insult Um Bongo!
LMFAOOO Nice list 🙂
Loooooove this!!!