You will need:
This guide will show you how to set up the game Telephrase for you to host. For more information on the game, including how to play, check out our wiki page by clicking here!
Step 1: Place your Rugs
Place your five rugs/chairs in the playing area
Step 2: WIRED…
Open your WIRED Effect: Teleport User To Furni and select an area outside of the playing area.
Open your WIRED Condition: Triggering User Is On Furni and select the five furniture items that you have chosen for the players to sit/stand on. (In the example above, it would be the Large Polished Rugs.)
Place your WIRED Trigger: User Says Keyword on top of these two.
Open the WIRED Trigger: User Says Keyword and put in the word that the players need to guess in order to progress to the next round. This keyword will need to be changed every round.