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Fridge Races

You will need:

Chairs (One for each player) Fridge (One for each player, plus one extra) Roller (One for each player; optional)

This guide will show you how to set up the game Fridge Races for you to host. For more information on the game, including how to play, check out our wiki page by clicking here.

Step 1: Place the fridges

Place the fridges next to each other on one side of the playing area

Step 2: Place the seats

On the other side of the playing the area, opposite the fridges, place the seats.

Step 3: Rollers (optional)

In order to make the game more challenging for players, you can choose to place one roller in front of each fridge. Rotate the rollers so they are facing away from the fridges. When users get an item from the fridge the rollers will push them back one block.

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