You will need:
This guide will show you how to set up the game Pod Racing for you to host. For more information on the game, including how to play and some useful keywords check out our wiki page by clicking here.
Please note: This guide will show you how to set up the WIRED version of the game. For the original version, click here.
Step 1: Place the chairs
Place one chair for each player on one side of the gaming area.
Step 2: Place the Banzai Teleporters
Place a Banzai Teleporter in the Host’s area where it can easily be accessed by the Host. Place the others on the other side of the playing area to the chairs. There should be one Banzai Teleporter on the opposite side to each chair, and one spare in the Host’s area.
Place an object of your choosing on top of the Banzai Teleporters using a Stack Tile. In my example below, I am using Leafy Crawlers. Some Hosts place a varied amount of Coins on each Banzai Teleporter instead of one item, and the number of Coins they are facing will be the winner’s prize.
Step 3: Reset command
Place a WIRED Trigger: User Says Keyword and set it to a command that you will remember. This command will reset all the chairs back to their default location at the end of each game.
Place your WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position & State and select all your chairs. Place them in the starting position and make sure that “Current Position in Room” is ticked off before clicking Ready.
Stack those two WIRED together.
Step 4: Moving the chairs forward
Place one WIRED Trigger: User Walks on Furni in front of/next to every Banzai Teleporter in the playing area (not in the Host’s area). Set each one of them to the object that is on top of the Banzai Teleporter they are next to.
Place one WIRED Effect: Move and Rotate Furni on top of each WIRED Trigger: User Walks on Furni. Set each one of them to the chair that’s opposite to them. Make sure to select the arrow in which you want the chair to move in and set the rotation to “No rotation”.
Step 5: Making the Bot move
Place a Bot in the host’s area, preferably next to or near to the extra Banzai Teleporter. Place one Floor Switch next to where the Host will be sat and place one WIRED Trigger: Furni State is Changed – set it to the Floor Switch.
Place one WIRED Effect: Bot Moves to Furni and select it to the Banzai Teleporter. Stack these two WIRED together. In a NEW stack, place one WIRED Trigger: Bot Reaches Furni for each five Banzai Teleporters you have in the gaming area and only one Bot Effect: Teleport Bot To Furni. Set the WIRED Trigger: Bot Reaches Furni(s) to the item on top of the Banzai Teleporters in the playing area.
Set the Bot Effect: Teleport Bot To Furni to the default place you want the Bot to sit in the Host’s area. Stack these two together. Now, if you flick the switch the bot should step on the Banzai Teleporter and move back to the original position. The chair opposite to the Banzai Teleporter the Bot lands on should move forward one space.