Explore Habbo
Explore Habbo
The ‘Explore Habbo’ category contains 4 achievements that can be gained by accessing different features the hotel has to offer!
Roller stroller
For this achievement you need to spend time on a roller skating patch. There are 20 levels for this achievement and you need to spend 1551 minutes rollerblading to complete them all.
To gain the room raider achievement you simply need to visit rooms owned by other Habbos! There are 20 levels to this achievement and to complete them all, you need to visit 3,960 rooms.
Door mode
This is a single level achievement that is gained by switching accessibility in the room settings.
This is how it works
For this achievement you just need to use a furni – you can do this by double clicking on the furni you want to use!
*This is an achievement that is new to the Unity client, unfortunately there is a bug at the moment where it is not achievable.
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