Your Profile is a category in the Achievements list on Habbo. There are 10 achievements to complete in the category, with a combined total of 100 levels. Each achievement level you complete will contribute to your total avatar score, which determines your avatar level progression. This guide will go through each and show you how to complete them.
True You
For this achievement you need to activate your email address that you used when creating your Habbo account. Go to your email and click on Activate account.

Habbo Name
For this achievement you need to select your Habbos name when you sign up. Click on yourself and click Change Name. This achievement can only be done once.

True Habbo
For this achievement you need to be a Habbo member for a certain number of days. The highest level is given to Habbos who have been registered for 1,825 days.
Online Time
For this achievement you need to have a certain amount of online time. The highest level is given to Habbos who spend 138,420 minutes online (2,307 hours).
Builders’ Club Member
For this achievement you need to be a member of Builders Club. The highest achievement is given to Habbo who are a member for 1,984 days.
Piece of peace
There is only one level for this achievement, and so to gain it you simply need to check your privacy settings – this can be done by clicking the settings cog on the screen, and accessing the ‘Privacy’ tab.

Who am I?
This achievement can be gained by checking your identification method settings.

Gimme gimme
The ‘Gimme gimme’ achievement is awarded for collecting your daily duckets, there are 20 levels in total to this achievement.

Pantheon is an achievement that is given to Habbos who are at the highest avatar level possible. There are a total of 20 levels for this achievement.

Habbo Club Member and HC Member
To gain this achievement you will need to join Habbo Club and to finish all levels be a member for 48 months.