Freaking out your neighbors! If you’ve read my last news report (‘‘Habbo boost of creativity for Halloween! – Part 1”), then you know already what I’m going to talk about as the title just gives it away. In the last article, new Habboween furniture was shown and the updates continue, this time with effects and […]
Rooms will get spooky! As the days go by, we’re getting closer and closer to Halloween. Just one more week and a half, and pumpkins will be displayed in front of every house, children will be dressing up in their favorite costumes, adults will need to be prepared to give handfuls of sweets, and everyone […]
Shoot for the pumpkin! The first pumpkin badges this year have arrived! Unfortunately, not for us .com members. Dutch Habbo Hotel staff made a new room with the most Halloween-like event that has been created in-client. The latest furniture out (check the ”Beware of Fair Horror” news report) gave us the hint for this fun […]
5 months ago, a dark cloud was present over Habbo, the trading and advertising on all hotels went downhill and gradually, with the return of some features it began to part. The cloud will soon be gone though with the return of one of the most important parts of Habbo… Events! In June Events were […]
I love the title and I’m not JOKING! Oh I’m full of them tonight but there’s a reason for that – the new badges recently found! I think we can say goodbye to coloured badges at the moment as the two new ones depict famous characters from the superhero/villain genre – they’re shaped like Batman […]
Felix Baumgartner has officially been awarded the Guiness World Record for the highest ever skydive from a balloon. The 43-year-old Austrian has completed in the Red Bull Stratos project, which would see the participant dive around 128,000ft from a floating balloon and hit the ground in just under 10 minutes. Before anybody asks, Felix survived the fall and has received no injuries, but it […]
Afghanistan is a place that many people do not think of fondly. This is mainly because of the large amount of troops from the Royal Army, Navy and Air Force that are on deployment in the country. Many British troops have been killed in the country, and although Britain plans to withdraw soon, the hostilities […]
Badges are something that have always been present on Habbo. Badges range from the rare to the common, with most badges being attainable by the completion of quests or the gaining of achievements. Most of the quests that give badges as prizes are quite time consuming, especially the ones that involve the playing of games. […]
One more holiday in real life, one more quest on Habbo! This has always been like that, and this time won’t be an exception. If you’ve been reading the other news, you’ve realized since Halloween is so close, then so is Habboween! This celebration has already started around Habbo Hotel and this year’s first Habboween quests have […]
A subtle yet widely-suggested addition to Effects has crept into the hotel for Halloween… Effects, which last only one hour (except for the Credit-bought weekly durations), are often used to make a look more appeasing (such as Habbo stars on stage) or for sneakier Habbos, to cheat in events. Once turned on, the hour’s countdown will not stop, whether […]