A Forum Moderator, by Runeaddict99 The first thing that I do when I come online each day is to check my inbox for replies about any moderation issues. This is a priority for me, and once I have finished reading any replies I move onto the rest of my work. The next port of call […]
Something you don’t see very often (note the sarcasm?) – more badges have been found! Habbo have gone badge-crazy recently. It’s fine for badge collectors or even Habbos who want a pretty little inf-O-matic (the box that comes up on the right when you click a Habbo) but it could be seen as a bit […]
Samanfa – Competitions Staff Being in the Competitions Department comes as a challenge sometimes,especially with ensuring you meet deadlines with both competitions and competition winners,not including the fact that you need to come up with ideas that haven’t been done in recent months and uniqueness is needed! I’ve been competitions staff for 18 months now […]
A Content Designer, by Skynus Content isn’t the most demanding job in the world. Being a senior, I do have to do slightly more, but it’s still a nice job. At the moment we’re working on the big update to Version 7 of Habbox.com, so there’s a lot more for me to do, being the […]
We are stepping right into the big top tent to enter into the room of Jendro’s Habbo Circus! As you can guess the room is called the Habbo Circus and it is indeed owned by Jendro. When walking into this room you will be thinking wow. It actually looks like a circus. Almost all circus themed rooms […]
On Monday, details of the new exam system that will replace GCSEs in England will be released. In 2015, the new single exam qualification will be introduced, and in 2017 the first students will sit it. This announcement is due to disagreements that have come from within the coalition, to do with the planned changes […]
Hotel Managers and Homepages, both very classic features of Habbo are set to be making a comeback… Paul Lafontaine, CEO of Sulake, answered some tweets regarding both old and new elements of the hotel, and hinted at the long-awaited reappearance of Hotel Managers (and the user Homepage, but that has been less mentioned). In the past, users such as Lost_Witness, Puffin and Kitano were in charge of […]
Rain, rain go away? Not on Habbo it seems because a Rain Cloud effect was released in the catalogue for one credit and it lasts only one day! A lot of the members on the Habbox Forum have been expressing their opinions about this. Most agree that it’s a bit expensive and that they would not waste their […]
As you are probably already well aware, there are currently laws within the United Kingdom that state if you have certain mental health problems, you cannot be a director of a company, become a MP or serve as a juror. These restrictions were implemented to ensure that the mental state of a person does not […]
Oh Habbo, I thought you’d realise with the flop of other Limited Edition Rares that players don’t want them anymore? You’re just milking a campaign that has turned sour months ago. Yes readers, yet another rare is coming out at 7pm BST tonight, so if you wish to buy it I suggest you start saving […]