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Earning Credits

This guide will show you how to earn credits on Habbo without having to buy credits yourself. Eventually, you should earn enough to be able to consider yourself “rich”.


The most popular way to earn credits is by taking part and winning events on the Habbo client. There are a variety of events that you can choose from, relying on either luck or skill to win, so there’s something for everyone. You can find events by clicking on the Events section of the Navigator, and scrolling down until you see Games. Most games give out Credits to the winner so the more events you play, the more credits you’ll win.


Giveaways are a type of event on Habbo where the owner will give users free items of furniture. There are a variety of different Giveaways, such as Roll A 6 Giveaway, Banzai Giveaway, or occasionally ones hosted by Habbox where all you need to do is queue up and tune in to the radio. Each furniture item you receive can later be sold either in shops or via the MarketPlace.

Earn Credits feature

Earn Credits is a feature on Habbo that allows players to be rewarded with Credits in exchange to taking part in various promotions and surveys. To find this feature, click on your Credit total in the top right of the screen and Earn Credits will be on one of the tabs in the following screen. There are a variety of ways to earn, including downloading Mobile Apps and completing surveys – you can choose the ones you prefer.


Various competitions can be found with credits or furniture being set as prizes. Habbox has their own Competitions department and have regular competitions being posted with Credit or furni prizes. You can find these competitions by clicking here. There are also various Twitter accounts that give out Rare furniture and Credits as competition prizes. Please bear in mind that whether these competitions are real or not vary from one account to the other, but if you want to be sure, you can check out the Official Habbox Twitter account by clicking here, where we regularly post Twitter competitions.

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