You will need:
This guide will show you how to make your bot teleport whenever you say a keyword. You can choose to use a switch as the trigger instead if you wish using WIRED Trigger: Furni State Is Changed – have a play around and see what works best for you!
Step 1: Setting up
Place your Bot in an area in the room. You will also need a furniture item for the Bot to teleport to. In my example below, the Bot will be teleporting from one Throne Sofa to the other.
Step 2: Set up the keyword
Place your WIRED Trigger: User Says Keyword and set it to a keyword of your choice. This is the code you’ll say to make the Bot teleport so make sure it’s something you’ll remember. You can also at this stage .
Step 3: Choose the Bot settings
Here you will need to enter the name of your Bot (it won’t work at all without this!) and the furni you want it to move to. In the example above it’s the other Throne Sofa, but you can make it teleport to any furni in the room.
Step 4: Put it all together
Put the two pieces of wired together, and you’re done! A really simple trick that you can use to make bots go where you want them to!